“The Linux User Group of Mauritius takes note of MITM measures on ICTA’s request for public consultation for regulating the use and misuse of social media in Mauritius.
From a technical perspective, the MITM proxy toolset involving a Certificate Authority not in the default trust store of major web browsers and operating systems will undermine the security model of Transport Layer Security and weaken the security of users on the Internet.
The proposed solution also poses issues such as not being compatible with the enhanced security mechanisms of some smartphones, and internet enabled-devices such as gaming consoles, smart televisions etc. For these technical reasons, the LUGM considers the MITM model in the consultation paper as bringing more negative results than perceived positive results”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
ICTA Public consultation for TLS MITM in Mauritius
The Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) is asking for public consultations on a framework to regulate use of social networks in Mauritius. One of the ideas is requiring Internet users using social networks to install as an ICTA-issued Certificate Authority certificate in their operating system or browser so that certificates can be issued for domains such as facebook.com. This is required to allow a Man in the Middle (MITM) proxy server intercept, decrypt, inspect, log, and/or block access to URLs. The public consultation paper is accessible on:
The public has up to May 20th 2021 to send their comments about the consultation paper to the email address contained in the PDF document linked above.
LUGM Statement on Ish Sookun
The Managing Committee of The Linux User Group Meta (Mauritius) notes that one of its members, Ish Sookun, is currently being detained under The Prevention of Terrorism Act. Ish Sookun is a valued member of the LUGM and has actively participated for the promotion of open source software and technology in general in Mauritius. The Association appeals to the authorities for the investigation to be conducted in accordance with all laws and also taking into consideration the rights of all parties while safeguarding public interest.
Linux User Group Meta, Annual General Meeting – 12/04/14 12hr @ Lambic
This is to inform you that we shall have our Annual General Meeting held on the 12th of April 2014 at 12hr to 15hr.
Venue: Lambic Conference Room, 4 St. George Street Port louis
Secretary of the Linux User Group Meta.
Dual Boot Windows, Linux Or BSD when UEFI is being a pain
Dual Boot Windows, Linux Or BSD when UEFI is being a pain in the @$$
If UEFI is pissing you off by not allowing you to install Linux OR BSD on your laptop, and despite you setting it to legacy (and even win7 refuses to install along because of your hdd is gpt’ed and everything), you are having issues, here’s the quick fix.
(this will get you a dual booting system)
1. Back up all your data.
2. Boot into your bios setup (f2 or f12 or del, depending on your bios), and disable SECURE BOOT, DISABLE UEFI, enable LEGACY. Set First bootable device to be your CD drive DVD drive or optical drive
3. Boot using something like www.partitionwizard.com/partition-wizard-bootable-cd.html (download the iso and burn it to a CD or dd if=theimage.iso of/dev/yourpendrive ).
3. Wipe out your hard drive, as in really wipe it out. Apply.
4. Make your entire hard drive into 1 single partition, FAT32. Apply.
If you do not want to have a dual booting system skip part 5,6,7.
5. Make a FAT32 partition as Primary label is winblows, for your winblows system and set it as ACTIVE. Make another FAT32 Primary partition and label it as NIX.
6. Apply and boot into your windows 7 or less DVD (windows 8 is bullshit so don’t use that, but yes you can do the same with windows 8 also See how you would do things with windows 8 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn336946.aspx ).
7. Choose customize install when you get the option, then select the winblows partition when you get list of partition, you can delete it, and create a new NTFS partition on it. Then next next next, should be fine, if there’s any error, you didn’t follow something from 1 to 6. Go re read then complain if you are sure you did everything the way i said.
8. Boot into your favourite linux distro or BSD, in this case i had a Linux mint & and a PC BSD.
9. Follow normal setup procedures, when asked what partition you want to use, use the partition labelled as NIX.
10. You should be done, if there is any error, and you did re read all the steps and did it like said, then please do complain, cry or ask. Someone will probably answer.
If you need more information, google up those terms and read:
GPT partition, windows, FreeBSD.
Microsoft UEFI certificates FSF
Graphics are not copyrighted to me.
LUGM meeting, 15th of June 2013. (Meeting Restylized) Venue: L’escalier.
Greetings people, due to popular demands we have decided to re-stylize our meeting formats,
and are even doing it at a different location, where, we get to discover new places
at the same time instead of the usual.
We can’t do this without your presence, so please do confirm where you will be present or
not, or if the date needs to be moved. (can’t be moved earlier than 8th of June, can’t
be moved after 18th of July.)
I will be updating this description as times goes on with more ideas of what we shall include.
Agenda (and how i view it so far):
– Get to know a bit of ourselves, new members etc.
– Recruit new members out there (hopefully each one of you will be able to bring
some more people).
– I myself might do a very short presentation, on some intelligent tv i am
working on as hobby.
– Logan will be doing some light presentation.
– Anyone is actually free to do a small presentation of not more than 12 minutes
(Please do inform me before hand if you are planning to do a presentation.).
– There shall be internet provided via emtel.
– There’ll be plenty of free food. (Please do notify whether you are veg or
non veg during the course of this week. (along with you guests).
– Some beer will be available, no hard drinks allowed. You can bring your own beer.
– Let’s kick off our plans for this year, we need to actually do something
as a lug to the society, so feel free to draft ideas and bring those there :),
and hopefully be ready to command a particular project.
Again this is in the form of an opensource project, it works only if you contribute
ideas :p, so please feel free to add more to it (though you get to be responsible of
what you add.
I’ll add a map shortly for the location. Its 20 minutes drive from Ebene.
You will most certainly be having people driving to come to the event, so lemme know
where you leave, i’ll hook you up with someone coming here.
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/598276533525752/598279506858788/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
Secretary of the lug.
Lugm meeting 3/3/2012 @ 10hr30.
Agenda: Membership fees, treasurer and secretary’s book, Tech presentation
Time ~ 10.00 am
Venue: LinkbyNet Indian Ocean, DCDM building, Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius.. [ if you can’t find your way wait around vins/20 and gimme a call (49 24 9 1 8 )]
Date: 29/10/2011
Technical presentation on MariaDB will be ensured by Nitin & Ronny.
this meeting shall be postponed if there is less than 5 confirmations.
Secretary of the lug
Recommended hardware
Here’s a useful list of chipsets (found on motherboards) that are documented. Since it’s documented, it’s easy to add support for them & the drivers are less buggy.
If you really care about Open Source, contact the company & ask for hardware documentation/datasheets. We don’t want source code: we want freely available specs.
(Signing an NDA is not an option, we also want to share what we know to other groups out there: *BSD, Linux, Haiku, Minix3 and many other groups in pure open source spirit)
ICH7ICH8 mobileICH9 ICH10CMD/Silicon Image
CMD 648CMD 649SiI 680Promise:
PDC20579PDC40775 ATI:IXP700/800 SATAEthernet:
Intel (complex and buggy)Wifi:
Realtek (older chipsets like 8187)Video Adapters:
Realtek(Still a work-in-progress)
LUGM Annual General Meeting 10 December 2011
This is to inform you that the Linux user Group Meta (LUGM) shall be holding its annual general meeting on Saturday the 10th of December 2011
LUGM meeting, 29/10/2011

this meeting shall be postponed if there is less than 5 confirmations.