What do you think of Google Chrome OS?


Two days ago, Google announced the Google Chrome OS (Operating System) project.

Google Chrome OS can be seen as Linux with a special window manager to only allow one application: the Google Chrome web browser. In essence, a computer running Google Chrome OS will only have one application, a web browser. This means that the user will only use web-based applications presumably (but not forcibly) from Google (e.g. Gmail, Google Docs, etc.)

Google will initially launch this OS on netbooks (those ultra small laptops with small screens.) Netbooks account for only a few % of the market and most people use them for browsing only so this seems a sensible strategy (it would have been stupid to launch the OS on full-fledged PCs as people would have immediately requested for “Photoshop on the web”.)

Our friend, Fake Steve, is adamant that building Google Chrome OS is not a good stategy for Google. In my opinion, he is correct when he questions the business logic of Google. You see, Chrome OS is going to be free (like most Linux distributions), has one good browser (like most Linux distributions), with good support for Google apps (like most Linux distribuions) but is going to be costly to build for Google (unlike most Linux distributions which exist already.) So why build yet another Linux distribution (which is what Google Chrome OS is in essence…) Why don’t Google use something which exists already?

What do you think?

LUG Meeting Saturday 04/07/09 Confirmed

Dear Members & non members,

You are invited for our monthly lug meeting this saturday the 4th of july 2009 (04/07/09).

  • Time: 10:00 AM Maurtian time
  • Location: Linkbynet, 2nd Floor BG court, St jean, Quatres Bornes
  • Technical presentation to be done by: Dr. Stefan Brandle, Lecturer at the university of Mauritius.
  • Topic of presentation: The Future of Computers in Education
  • Map: http://thegodof.net/images/maplugm.png
map to lugm

map to lugm

Please confirm your presence. Last date for cancelation of the meeting is thursday 02/07/09 at 23hr59.

Geeks, nerds, non geeks, non nerds, humans, non humans whatever you are, if you are interested in anything opensource or *nix, you may wish to just try a lug meeting once.

ps. You don’t need to be a linux/unix guru to attend.

lug meetings are usually fun!



Secretary of the LUG

Google: Let’s make the web faster

Google lance une consultation sur les moyens d’accélérer l’internet basée sur 4 axes:

Broadband Access (Le petit problème de Maurice…)
Browser Technologies (Les petites astuces du renard en feu)
Internet Protocols (Revoir un peu les bons vieux HTTP/TCP/…)
Webmaster Tools (Concilier le beau et le rapide, Flash/…)
Other Ideas (Tout ce qui peut apporter une contribution).

N’hésitez pas à poster vos idées !
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The Sony Bravia LCD TVs run Linux


How many of you would like to get an LCD TV for Christmas? A lot, I bet. How many of you know that the Sony Bravia LCD TVs are powered by Linux? A lot fewer, I guess.

LCD TVs have a lot of pixels. When displaying a normal-resolution programme (say from the MBC), the TV must use extremely complex image processing algorithms to generate the missing pixels. For example:

  • SECAM @ 720 x 576 = 414,720 pixels every 1/25 of a second (I’m simplifying…)
  • HDTV @ 1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels every 1/25 of a second

So the TV must digitally create 5 times as many pixels as in the original frame 25 times per second. As you can easily guess, this requires a lot of horsepower hence the use of a powerful computer inside the TV. Sony has chosen Linux to power that computer (specifically Linux kernel 2.6.11)

For the more curious, have a look at http://products.sel.sony.com/opensource/source_tv.shtml

Our July meeting


The next LUGM meeting will take place at the usual venue on 4 July 2009 at 10:00. A tentative agenda is:

  • Status of registration of the association
  • Status of the development and deployment of the new website
  • Involvement in the Fedora Electronic Lab distribution (made by a Mauritian, Chitlesh Goorah!)
  • AOB

The meeting will be followed by a technical presentation (the exact topic will be confirmed in a few days) and we’ll have lunch together afterwards.

Everyone is invited!

Hier j’ai compilé mon OS

Les distributions pourraient se disposer sur les rayons des supermarchés tellement elles sont nombreuses. On en trouve pour tous les gouts et toutes les couleurs.

Gentoo Distrib

Gentoo Distrib

D’une classique Ubuntu, installable les yeux fermés à une LFS qui nécessite de faire un peu d’assembleur avant de démarrer. Pour ma part je pense que Gentoo propose une bonne alternative pour les Geeks en mal de pouvoir de compilation avec des ordinateurs toujours plus puissants.
Mais pourquoi se priver du plaisir de la compilation !
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