Monthly Archives: December 2009

Générateur de Fla$h Swftools

Dans la série je ne sais pas quoi faire le jour de nöel, j’ai testé pour vous swftools.
C’est un outil GPL (opensource) qui permet de faire des fichiers flash en décrivant chaque Keyframe, le logiciel permet de compiler le fichier et de générer l’animation Flash.

Bref c’est un petit utilitaire en mode texte qui peut faire quelques animations sympathiques pour vos cartes de voeux… et donner un peu de vie à un message en  mode texte.
Bonne Année 2010 à tous.
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Technical presentations for year 2009

We have uploaded the presentations of year 2009.

April Meeting: high performance web server (Logan)

July Meeting: The Future of Computers in Education (Dr Stefan Brandle) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

August Meeting: Wireless Security (Logan)

October Meeting: Silent and cheap firewall (Logan)

Novermber Meeting: DTT Receiver (Shaan) — Link not available

December Meeting: Shell Scripting Tips (logan)

Other presentations will be uploaded as soon as possible,

please be patient.

Also, bear in mind that the PDF files contain very basic

information. A lot more is discussed during the meetings.

In other words, attending meetings brings a lot more !



LUGM meeting 19th December 09

Dear member, please note that this week we shall be having our monthly
meeting on this saturday, the 19th.

My sincere apologies this is quite short notice, i have been busy and
hence was unable to send
a notification earlier.. If there’s less than 5 confirmations by
friday 11AM, the meeting shall be postponed.

Time : 10hr00

location: Linkbynet, 2nd Floor BG court, St jean, Quatres Bornes

Map for your convenience :

Agenda : Discussion about paper work

We hope to have your presence on this event.

Until further notice, logan shall be doing this months technical presentation.
(damned he should be given free food for always having a presentation
at any time!)

Please confirm your presence via mailing list [] or
post a comment on the blog entry.



Secretary of the LUG